Julian Assange 'will be given asylum in Ecuador'

Posted: August 15, 2012

The WikiLeaks founder took refuge in the Ecuadorean embassy in London on June 19 after losing his appeal against extradition to Sweden where he is wanted over allegations of sexual offences.

After formally applying for political asylum, a decision was due this week. In the meantime, a warrant for his arrest for breaching his bail conditions means he is likely to be rearrested if he steps outside the embassy.

According to an official close to the government, Correa has already decided to approve Assange's application.

"Ecuador will grant asylum to Julian Assange," a source told the Guardian.

Read the full article here: http://www.telegraph.co.uk

Deaths linked to Australia's Panvax flu vaccine

Posted: August 14, 2012

TEN deaths have been linked to the nation's flu immunisation program since the 2009 swine flu pandemic, including elderly patients and unborn babies.

The CSL flu vaccine, Panvax -- which taxpayers spent $131 million stockpiling for the 2009 swine flu outbreak -- triggered 1716 adverse-event reports, including seven deaths.

Original article found here: http://www.theaustralian.com.au

FDA warns Hershey over chocolate syrup labeling

Posted: August 14, 2012

(Reuters) - Hershey Co made nutritional claims for its chocolate syrups that do not meet regulatory guidelines, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration said.

In a warning letter to the company dated February 14, made public on Tuesday, the FDA said the labels on Hershey's Syrup+Calcium and its Syrup Sugar Free with Vitamin & Mineral Fortification violate federal law.

The FDA said the company may not use the terms "plus" and "fortification" on the labels because the products' nutritional contents do not meet the guidelines needed to make such claims.

Read the full article here: http://www.reuters.com

Take action now: New coalition lobbies to fluoridate Portland's drinking water

Posted: August 14, 2012

Portland's reign as America's largest bastion of fluoride-free water is facing a revolt.

A newly formed and hush-hush coalition of more than 50 high-profile organizations is quietly lobbying the Portland City Council to add fluoride to a drinking water supply serving about 900,000 residents -- not just in Portland but also Gresham, Tigard and Tualatin, which buy city water through wholesale contracts.

The coalition could make a public pitch in coming weeks but faces a short window for political support. It has the backing of city Commissioner Randy Leonard, who oversees the Portland Water Bureau but leaves office in less than five months.

Please help spread the word - we need to stop our elected political representitives from poisoning us.

Read more here: http://www.oregonlive.com

And here: http://www.oregonlive.com

New drone system reveals stealth, quieter drones with ability to spy for longer periods of time

Posted: August 13, 2012

Silent Falcon UAS Technologies last week unveiled the much anticipated Silent Falcon solar electric unmanned aerial system (UAS) at the Association for Unmanned Vehicle Systems International (AUVSI) conference in Las Vegas

Silent Falcon UAS Technologies last week unveiled the much anticipated Silent Falcon solar electric unmanned aerial system (UAS) at the Association for Unmanned Vehicle Systems International (AUVSI) conference in Las Vegas. The company is collaborating with Bye Aerospace to develop the small tactical UAS designed to be man-portable for longer duration intelligence, surveillance, and reconnaissance (ISR) missions.

The company says that Silent Falcon employs proprietary technological advancements in aeronautical design; electrical propulsion systems, solar energy capture, storage and management; latest-generation electro-optical and infrared sensors; advanced target identification and tracking methodologies; and unique target image and data capture and transmission capabilities. "The combined result is a tactical UAS and sensor system with capabilities that exceed any UAS in its class," the company says.

Read full article here: http://www.homelandsecuritynewswire.com

Push for long-term 'universal' flu jab moves a step closer to becoming reality

Posted: August 13, 2012

Researchers describes three human antibodies that provide broad protection against Influenza B virus strains; the same team had previously reported finding broadly neutralizing antibodies against Influenza A strains; the work is a key step toward "universal" vaccine and therapies against flu

A team led by scientists at the Scripps Research Institute and Crucell Vaccine Institute in the Netherlands describes three human antibodies that provide broad protection against Influenza B virus strains. The same team had previously reported finding broadly neutralizing antibodies against Influenza A strains.

The isolation of the new broadly neutralizing antibodies, which was reported the journal Science's advance online edition, Science Express, on 9 August, paves the way for researchers to develop a universal antibody-based flu therapy for use in severe infections or to protect hospital staff during an outbreak. A Scripps Research Institute release reports that importantly, these antibodies may provide key clues to the design of an active universal flu vaccine - designed to protect long-term against flu viruses, not just against the current season's strains.

Read full story here: http://www.homelandsecuritynewswire.com/dr20120810-researchers-move-a-step-closer-toward-universal-flu-vaccine-and-therapies

GOP sues to force Obama compliance on Fast and Furious

Posted: August 13, 2012

House Republicans on Monday asked the federal courts to intervene and force the Obama administration to turn over documents from the botched Fast and Furious gun-walking operation, escalating what had been a simmering constitutional crisis.

House Speaker John A. Boehner said President Obama and his team were ignoring a congressional subpoena - something the courts have long recognized as valid - and said lawmakers were left with no choice but to ask the third branch to referee.

"By stonewalling Congress and ignoring a contempt order, the Justice Department has left the House no choice but to take legal action so we can get to the bottom of the Fast and Furious operation that cost border agent Brian Terry his life," Mr. Boehner said.

Read full article here: http://www.washingtontimes.com/news/2012/aug/13/gop-sues-force-obama-compliance-fast-and-furious/

KU's cancer-fighting plant research program losing its key funding

Posted: August 13, 2012

A successful plant research program at Kansas University that had uncovered molecules with cancer-fighting properties is trying to find new sources of money after a Kansas Bioscience Authority-backed organization pulled out of its funding commitment.

Barbara Timmermann, a KU distinguished professor of medicinal chemistry and lead person on KU's Native Medicinal Plant Research Program, said she had never experienced anything like the premature funding cuts in her more than 30 years of research work.

The program had been funded for $5 million over five years from Heartland Plant Innovations, one of the KBA's centers of innovation. Those organizations are independently operated from the KBA but received startup funds from the state-funded bioscience authority.

This year, KU project leaders said, they heard the program would no longer be funded after June, which is the end of the third year of funding. About half of the original funding commitment had been awarded. The program's leaders were not given a reason for the funding cuts, Timmermann said.

The program's research focused on using native Kansas plants to find new molecules that held the potential to fight diseases, including cancer. One such molecule, found in a wild tomatillo plant, had showed enough promise in fighting cancer that KU researchers applied for patents on the compounds.

Read full article here: http://www2.ljworld.com/news/2012/jun/26/kus-cancer-fighting-plant-research-program-losing-/

Manned planes beating drones as the more capable tool in war on drugs

Posted: August 13, 2012

In the never-ending war on drugs, U.S. Navy planes are showing that technology does not necessarily mean improvement, as manned planes are outmaneuvering unmanned drones in catching cocaine smugglers traveling by sea; in 2011 the manned planes caught an average of $30 million of cocaine per day, and during the last five years they have detected more than 853,000 pounds of cocaine.

In the never-ending war on drugs, U.S. Navy planes are showing that technology does not necessarily mean improvement, as manned planes are outmaneuvering unmanned drones in catching cocaine smugglers traveling by sea.

The Navy's fleet of 14 P-3 turbopop aircrafts are responsible for intercepting $11.1 billion worth of cocaine in 2011, while two Guardian drones, the maritime version of DHS land-based Predator drones, did not contribute to a single seizure during that time.

Read more here: http://www.homelandsecuritynewswire.com/dr20120810-manned-planes-beating-drones-as-the-more-capable-tool-in-war-on-drugs

The nature and nurture of running for fitness

Posted: August 13, 2012

(Reuters) - Are modern men and women born to run, or must our 21st century bodies be carefully cross-trained to stay fit and healthy?

When it comes to care and training of the modern distance runner, expert opinions are mixed.

Jay Dicharry, author of the new book "Anatomy for Runners," believes that to be a better runner, running is not enough.

"Running is typically a one-dimensional sport," said Dicharry, a physical therapist and the director of Biomechanics at Rebound Physical Therapy in Bend, Oregon.

Read more here: http://www.reuters.com/article/2012/08/13/us-fitness-running-idUSBRE87C0A120120813

Boeing Demonstrates Drones That Perform Like 'Swarm Of Insects'

Posted: August 13, 2012

SEATTLE (CBS Seattle) - Boeing engineers and researchers from Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory successfully demonstrated a "swarm" of drones to be used in battle.

According to a Boeing press release, the researchers and engineers conducted the test flights in Oregon in June using two ScanEagle drones which performed like a "swarm of insects."

The flight operator was able to connect with the autonomous drones using only a laptop and a military radio. Boeing engineers said the drones were able to complete tasks more efficiently by communicating with each other.

Read the full article here: http://seattle.cbslocal.com/2012/08/10/boeing-demonstrates-drones-that-perform-like-swarm-of-insects/

Time, CNN Star Fareed Zakaria Suspended for Admitted Plagiarism

Posted: August 13, 2012

[UPDATED below page break: TIME magazine, CNN have suspended Zakaria.] When CNN host and Time editor-at-large Fareed Zakaria wrote a new piece called "The Case for Gun Control," it ended with a bang: "So when people throw up their hands and say we can't do anything about guns, tell them they're being un-American--and unintelligent."

Here's something that suggests a lack of intelligence: plagiarism. Cam Edwards at NRANews.com suggested to me that Zakaria seemed to plagiarize a paragraph from an April article in The New Yorker magazine -- with a modicum word-usage changes and interjections (Texas!) in an attempt to paper it over.

Read the article here: http://newsbusters.org/blogs/tim-graham/2012/08/10/talk-about-concealed-carry-fareed-zakaria-plagiarized-paragraph-history-

Former D.C. cop admits falsifying radar-camera testing records

Posted: August 13, 2012

A former D.C. police officer admitted Thursday to falsifying logs regarding the testing of mobile photo-radar cameras that issue speeding tickets - a move that resulted in the department having to refund more than $17,000 in traffic ticket fines.

Former Metropolitan Police Department Officer David Cephas' pleaded guilty to three counts of misdemeanor fraud in D.C. Superior Court.

According to court records, the 22-year department veteran was supposed to be monitoring photo-radar equipment during overtime shifts and taking test photographs once an hour with the cameras to ensure they were working properly. In 2008 and 2009, prosecutors said Mr. Cephas failed to take the once-an-hour shots on 33 occasions and covered up the mistakes by rolling back the clock on the radar unit in order to make it appear he had properly tested the machines.

Read more here: http://www.washingtontimes.com/news/2012/aug/9/former-dc-cop-admits-falsifying-radar-camera-testi/

Corporations Sneak Synthetic Preservatives into Organic Food

Posted: August 11, 2012

Organic Watchdog Files Formal Legal Complaint with USDA

CORNUCOPIA, WI: The Cornucopia Institute, a not-for-profit policy research organization based in Wisconsin, filed a formal legal complaint with the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) against several infant formula manufacturers that are adding two synthetic preservatives to certified organic infant formula.

The Organic Foods Production Act, passed by Congress in 1990, explicitly bans synthetic preservatives in organic food.

"This is another blatant violation of the federal law governing organics by multi-billion dollar corporations that apparently think they can get away with anything," says Charlotte Vallaeys, Director of Farm and Food Policy at The Cornucopia Institute.

Read more here: http://www.cornucopia.org

Thanks a Lot, BP

Posted: August 10, 2012

MINNEAPOLIS - BP owes Quali Tech Environmental $12 million for oil-skimming equipment it leased during the Deepwater Horizon disaster, and has the brass to say "not only that it was entitled to keep and abuse Quali Tech's equipment for free, but that Quali Tech should pay BP," Quali Tech claims in Federal Court.

Original source here: http://www.courthousenews.com

More Agenda 21: State of Utah wants all gardens registered to keep track of food resources

Posted: August 9, 2012

The State of Utah wants all Utahns with gardens to register their garden with the state. Check out this video for more info.

Tai Chi Shown to Improve COPD Exercise Capacity

Posted: August 9, 2012

ScienceDaily (Aug. 8, 2012) - Tai Chi can be used as an effective form of exercise therapy for people with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), according to new findings.

The research, which was published online August 9, 2012 ahead of print in the European Respiratory Journal, suggests that this form of exercise can improve exercise capacity and quality of life in people with COPD and may be as beneficial as pulmonary rehabilitation.

It is well known that moderate forms of exercise can help COPD patients to improve their exercise tolerance, symptoms of breathlessness and their overall quality of life. This new study aimed to investigate whether Sun-style Tai chi could be used as an effective form of exercise therapy.

Read the full story here: http://www.sciencedaily.com

Ter-ror-ism (Noun): When OTHER People Do What We Do

Posted: August 9, 2012

It's Not Terrorism When WE Do It ....

The United States is arguably the world's largest sponsor of terrorism, although we call it "self defense" and fighting "humanitarian" wars.

But when other people - especially brown-skinned people who wear funny clothes - do the same things that we do, we label it as terrorism.

Mark Selden - Bartle Professor of History and Sociology at Binghamton University - explains:

"American politicians and most social scientists definitionally exclude actions and policies of the United States and its allies as terrorism."

For example, the American military indiscriminately kills innocent civilians (and see this), calling it "carefully targeted strikes". When others do it, we rightfully label it terrorism.

Read more here: http://www.washingtonsblog.com

Mother blames Gardasil vaccine for teen's death

Posted: August 8, 2012

The mother of a teenager found dead in her bed has told an inquest that her daughter's physical and mental health deteriorated sharply when she was given the Gardasil cervical cancer vaccination.

Jasmine Renata, 18, died in September 2009 in a sleepout at her home in Upper Hutt, north of Wellington.

She had received the last of three injections of Gardasil six months earlier.

At the time of her death, Ms Renata's mother Rhonda said she believed Gardasil may have been the cause.

Read more here: http://www.nzherald.co.nz

Exclusive: For The First Time, Cannibal Victim Speaks

Posted: August 8, 2012

MIAMI (CBS4) - Two months after he was viciously attacked on the MacArthur Causeway by the so-called Miami Zombie, Ronald Poppo succinctly summed up the events that captured the country's attention.

"He attacked me," Poppo said of Rudy Eugene. "He just ripped me to ribbons. He chewed up my face. He plucked out my eyes. Basically that's all there is to say about it."

Poppo was left blind by the attack. After several surgeries at Jackson Memorial Hospital, he was transferred to the Perdue Medical Center, Jackson's long-term care facility located in South Miami-Dade.

Read the full story here: http://miami.cbslocal.com
