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Ask the experts: Why hasn't the US tapped into its geothermal power potential more?

Posted: May 7, 2012 |   Comments

With the abundant geothermal potential of the United States, what are the biggest barriers to tapping into that renewable energy source?

Leslie Blodgett, Editor-in-Chief of Geothermal Energy Weekly answers:

"As with other renewable energy technologies in the United States, growth in geothermal energy production is affected by the uncertainty over how long current federal policies will continue to support new development.

This uncertainty affects geothermal planning timelines more than other renewables, as geothermal projects tend to have higher upfront risks and costs and take longer to build. While new geothermal projects will continue to be built, industry growth and the role of U.S. companies in vibrant world markets will hinge on consistent, long-term federal policy support.

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