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UN treaty to remove parents' rights for their child's medical treatment

Posted: July 19, 2012 |   Comments

The senate is set to pass a UN treaty on July 26th that will remove the rights of parents of disabled children to choose their child's medical treatment and educational options. At any time a UN social worker will have the right to trump the parents' choices for their child's well-being. This will directly impact a parent's right to refuse vaccines and other medical practices they feel is harmful to their child. If this is passed it will open the door for them to create another treaty that will strip away parental rights for ALL parents! So far only two Senators are opposing this.

Senator John Kerry announced that he plans to pass the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities before July 26. This is an unprecedented attempt to jam a binding international treaty through the Senate without proper time for debate or consideration.

Something must be done to stop this.
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