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Nonprofit Medicine: Is Government About to Throw It under the Bus?

Posted: November 20, 2012 |   Comments

Unfortunately, that appears to be the case - unless we do something about it. Action Alert!

Who controls healthcare? We wish we could say it was consumers, but they have less and less of a voice. Actually, healthcare today is controlled by three entities: government, for-profit businesses, and nonprofits - and before long, the first two may muscle out the third.

Should those of us following a natural health approach worry about this? Yes, definitely - for two reasons. First, conventional medicine has wandered far from the old ideal of being a caring profession, but that perspective is more likely to be rediscovered in a nonprofit setting than in one controlled by government or by for-profits. Second, having different kinds of healthcare providers increases our options and reduces the chance of having one-size-fits-all medicine forced on us.

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