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Tennessee celebrates July 4 with "No Refusal Weekend"

Posted: July 15, 2013 |   Comments Tennesee's "implied consent" law states that if a person is lawfully arrested by an officer who has probable cause to believe that they have been driving under the influence, then they automatically give consent to a chemical test to determine their blood alcohol content (BAC). The type and even number of tests to be taken are at the sole discretion of the officer. Normally, a person is able to refuse taking a BAC test, at the risk of losing their license.
On July 1, Tennessee's "no refusal" law went into effect, permitting officers to order warrants to draw blood from suspects, willing or otherwise. A total of 61 individuals were arrested by the Tennessee Highway Patrol on suspicion of impaired driving during the Fourth of July weekend. The "no refusal" law went out of effect 11:59 PM Sunday 7, but will likely make a return next year.

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