Posted: April 9, 2012
The Seattle City Council is taking up an ordinance that would protect the right of a mother to breastfeed her child in public.
The proposed Seattle law would make it illegal to ask a nursing mom
to stop, cover up or move to another location. It would apply to areas
open to the public, including stores, doctor's offices, restaurants and
It's already against Washington state law to discriminate against
public breastfeeding, but advocates say the Seattle proposal would make
it easier to enforce the law. Numerous states have laws that
specifically allow women to breastfeed in any public or private
location.The council is expected to vote on the issue today.
Posted: April 9, 2012
"Bully" has finally gotten a PG-13.Initially, the
anti-bullying documentary was given an R for language by the Motion
Picture Association of America. That prompted a battle for a lower
rating that drew the support of high-profile actors, pop stars and
politicians.On Thursday, the Weinstein Co. announced that the
MPAA has changed the rating to PG-13 -- in time for the April 13 opening
in Detroit and other markets.An agreement was reached with the MPAA that was described as a
victory by the Weinstein Co., the film's distributor. But there were
minor compromises on both sides.Three expletives, all containing
the f-word, were removed from the film. But a powerful scene of bullying
on a school bus that includes three f-words will remain the same. Movies with more than one or two f-words usually are given an R."Bully" was released March 30 in New York and Los Angeles by the Weinstein Co., which sent it to theaters as unrated rather than with an R, which would require those under 17 to be accompanied by a parent or adult guardian.Read the full article:
Posted: April 9, 2012
(RTTNews) - Disease experts are warning that this year's early spring could mark a significant jump in Lyme disease cases. According to researchers in Maine, mild temperatures could create ideal conditions for an increase of ticks reaching the nymph phase of their life cycle, which is when they are most likely to transmit the disease to humans.
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Posted: April 9, 2012
The world's most hated corporation is at it again, this time in Vermont.
Despite overwhelming public support and support from a clear majority of Vermont's Agriculture Committee, Vermont legislators are dragging their feet on a proposed GMO labeling bill. Why? Because Monsanto has threatened to sue the state if the bill passes.
What happened to the formerly staunch legislative champions of Vermont's "right to know" bill? They lost their nerve and abandoned their principles after a Monsanto representative recently threatened a public official that the biotech giant would sue Vermont if they dared to pass the bill. Several legislators have rather unconvincingly argued that the Vermont public has a "low appetite" for any bills, even very popular bills like this one, that might end up in court. Others expressed concern about Vermont being the first state to pass a mandatory GMO labeling bill and then having to "go it alone" against Monsanto in court.
What it really comes down to this: Elected officials are abandoning the public interest and public will in the face of corporate intimidation.
Read the full article:
Posted: April 9, 2012
Munson, a burly 7-year-old English bulldog, has a secret: His testicles are fake.
Neutered as a puppy, Munson (named after Larry Munson of Georgia Bulldog fame) got a pair of synthetic stand-ins to preserve his manly pride. Not his idea, of course, but his owner's.
While cosmetic procedures such as ear cropping and tail docking have petered out, plastic surgery for dogs continues to boom -- most of it, Munson's testicles aside, for medical reasons.
"A lot of dogs have a lot of hair back there so you can't tell they're neutered. But with bulldogs, it's just right out there for everyone to see," said Jaime Davenport of Atlanta, whose husband, Jim, stood up for Munson's mojo.
Although Munson has aged and his loose skin has sagged some, his back end looks surprisingly youthful.
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Posted: April 5, 2012
Climate change alarmist who called for skeptics to be "treated" praised Obama for appointing John P. Holdren.
The climate change professor at the center of the scandal over her assertion that global warming skeptics were akin to racists and should be "treated" for having a psychiatric disorder wrote a letter in which she praised Barack Obama for hiring eugenicist John P. Holdren as his chief science advisor, while also urging Obama to ignore public opinion and disregard democracy in favor of enforcing draconian climate change mandates.
Posted: April 3, 2012
What has the medical industry done for women lately?
Many tasks can be tackled more quickly now than 50 years ago, but delivering
a baby naturally it seems is not one of them, according to a U.S.
government study.
Compared with the 1960s, U.S. women have in recent years spent two to three hours longer in labor,
according to researchers at the U.S. National Institutes of Health, who
said the findings suggest doctors may need to rethink the definition of
"normal" labor.
Read the full article:
Posted: April 3, 2012
WASHINGTON -- Skin cancer is on the rise among young adults, according
to a US study on Monday that suggests using indoor tanning beds and
failing to protect against childhood sunburns may be to blame.Between
1970 and 2009, the rate of melanoma among women increased eightfold and
quadrupled among men, according to Mayo Clinic experts who studied all
medical records for 256 people in a county in Minnesota over that
timespan.However, death rates from melanoma fell during the same
period, suggesting that early interventions may be helping to save some
lives, said the researchers.
Posted: April 3, 2012
In keeping with the recent trend of so-called green companies going
into the red, another solar energy company supported by President
Obama's top administration officials declared bankruptcy today.
Solar Trust for America received $2.1 billion in conditional loan
guarantees from the Department of Energy -- "the largest amount ever
offered to a solar project," according to Energy Secretary Steven Chu -- for a project near Blythe, Calif., but declared bankruptcy within a year. It is unclear how much of the guarantee, if any, was actually awarded.
Posted: April 3, 2012
Craigslist ad deleted after federal agency caught describing their role as dictatorial
A Craigslist ad apparently posted by the Transportation Security
Administration in search of employees for Ann Arbor airport brags about
the federal agency's mission to create an "imperious" security team. The
word "imperious" means "domineering in a haughty manner; dictatorial; overbearing."Read the full article:
Posted: April 3, 2012
A cheap medical device can dramatically reduce the number of premature births in
some at-risk women, according to a team of doctors in Spain.
Read the full article:
Posted: April 3, 2012
The obesity problem in the US may be
much worse than previously thought, according to researchers.
They said using the Body Mass Index or BMI to determine obesity was
underestimating the issue.
Their study, published in the journal PLoS One, said up to 39% of people who
were not currently classified as obese actually were.
Read the full article:
Posted: April 3, 2012
True to form, synthetics prove deadlier than natural.
Fentanyl is a synthetic form of heroin, produced in clandestine laboratories across the
border in Russia. It has almost completely replaced heroin on the Estonian
market, and is much more deadly.
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Posted: March 30, 2012
With April Fool's Day a month away, the nonprofit Green America is launching its annual "Corporate Fools' balloting today on Facebook to name the U.S. company with the worst corporate practices. The winner will be determined by votes from the general public as tallied at
Posted: March 30, 2012
While the Food and Drug Administration has seemingly reached the limit for unbelievable behavior, the company's decisions continue to astound and appall consumers and health activists alike. In the agency's latest decision, undoubtedly amazing thousands of individuals yet again, the FDA virtually erased 1 million signatures and comments on the 'Just Label It' campaign calling for the labeling of genetically modified foods.
Posted: March 29, 2012
Cesar Gaviria Trujillo, the former president of Colombia, told a Spanish-language radio station this week that America's war on drugs has been a disastrous "failure" that the ruling political parties simply refuse to talk about.
Posted: March 29, 2012
Children are being lumbered with hours of school homework every week -- but the extra slog does not do them any good, according to an Australian study.
Research reveals elementary school homework offers no real benefit -- and only limited results in junior high school.
Posted: March 29, 2012
An organization that routinely deals with homeschooling issues across the U.S. and around the globe is taking on a case of parental rights because the circumstances - a social worker calling police over a newborn's shots - is just too egregious to let pass.
Posted: March 29, 2012
A powerful compilation of the total lack of common sense across America, written by "The Economic Collapse." Get the full story at:
Here's a taste:
#1 According to Wired Magazine, FBI agents have been taught that they can "bend or suspend the law" as they pursue criminals and terrorists. But when they break the law they become criminals themselves.
#2 A TSA manager (not just an agent) at Dulles International Airport was recently discovered to be running a prostitution ring out of a local hotel room. TSA agents have been charged with crime after crime after crime and yet we continue to allow them to be in charge of airport security.
#3 CBS News is reporting that approximately 200 pieces of luggage a day are being stolen by employees at John F. Kennedy International Airport and authorities still have not been able to stop it.
#4 Visitors to the United States must now pay $14 to complete an online form that asks them a series of really bizarre questions. For example, one of the questions asks visitors to the U.S. if they ever "collaborated with the Nazis".
#5 The U.S. military is buying huge amounts of electronic parts from China (mistake number one) and a government investigation has uncovered the fact that a large percentage of these parts are counterfeit. Yet the U.S.military continues to buy huge amounts of electronic parts from China (mistake number two).
#6 A high school senior in Indiana was recently expelled from school for cussing on Twitter...
Read the full article at:
Posted: March 28, 2012