Michigan pig rancher speaks out against the state's attempt to murder all his pigs and arrest him as a felon

Posted: March 26, 2012

This is an absolutely shocking interview with Mark Baker of www.BakersGreenAcres.com

Read the full article explanation at www.NaturalNews.com

David Wolfe speaks out about Sunfood, Monsanto, New Chapter and Procter & Gamble

Posted: March 22, 2012

Exclusive interview with David Wolfe on March 22, 2012. Interviewed by the Health Ranger.

David begins speaking at 6:00.

Sharon Palmer (of Rawesome fame) released from jail, returning home tonight after WEEKS of incarceration

Posted: March 22, 2012

Just received word from attorney on the scene. Sharon is returning home this evening, after a punitively long duration in jail for being a raw milk farmer.

38 felony charges of financial fraud still pending. Selective criminalization is in full swing in Ventura and LA Counties. More details to follow on NaturalNews...

Soda consumption plummets as Americans choose healthier beverages

Posted: March 21, 2012

Soda sales have been declining for the past seven years, but the pace of the decline quickened in 2011 despite growth in the overall beverage market.


Earth map shows Fukushima radiation pollution of Pacific Ocean

Posted: March 16, 2012

While the lying governments of the world continue to insist that Fukushima is "no big deal," all the evidence shows otherwise. Here's a map showing the spread of radiation across the Pacific Ocean.

Because of the high number of data points here, it looks like this is a hybrid combination of some gathered data combined with computer modeling of ocean currents.

Angela Doss posts update on James Stewart

Posted: March 12, 2012

For those who don't already know, Stewart is one of the most knowledgeable, honest and generous men around, especially when it comes to food. You should see him shop the farmer's markets... Everywhere he goes he recognizes faces, makes new friends and seems to attract small crowds of folks who stop what they're doing to hear what he has to say. But for too long after his arrest, we, his friends, were unable to hear his voice or offer him any kind of reassuring word. We couldn't let him know the many angles we were tirelessly working to help get him out of jail. For a while, in fact, we couldn't even find him in the system. We received only a couple calls from him on the day of his arrest, and then nothing for almost three days. It wasn't until his release 8 days later that we were able to hear the full story of what had happened...


Shocking before and after photos of James Stewart, 10 days in LA County jail shows results of abuse, torture, malnourishment

Posted: March 11, 2012

65-year-old California "milk man" James Stewart was viciously tortured, abused, subjected to hypothermia, food deprivation, and even had his jail cell flooded with raw human sewage that he was forced to clean out by hand.

This photo shows the clear difference in his health in just 10 days under California's "justice" system which has degraded into a Guantanamo Bay of torture and brutality.

Photos credit goes to www.TheGirlsGoneRaw.com which carries updates and news on this issue.

Read the full report (and interview with James) about the "week of torture" at:


What Is the Message in a Food Rights Activist Being Labeled a "Sovereign Citizen"? James Stewart Finds Out, Via Shackling, Isolation, Hypothermia, Food Deprivation

Posted: March 11, 2012

Outstanding article from The Complete Patient. Read it in full at:


"The brutal treatment accorded Stewart almost certainly stems from the government's recent campaign to label him a "sovereign citizen." He says has never declared himself as such. Sovereign citizens supposedly detach themselves from ordinary linkages to government authority, such as drivers licenses and Social Security..."

Raw food diet rap song + video, mentions the Health Ranger exposing fake raw foods

Posted: March 9, 2012

This is a pretty cool song and music video from RawFoodHealthWatch.com

The lyrics educate people about the health benefits of raw foods while the songalso mentions Mike Adams exposing fake raw foods.

Pretty fun song, good job by the artist. :-)

Sharon Palmer needs your help to be freed from prison

Posted: March 9, 2012

Sharon Palmer needs to raise $30,000 immediately in order to be freed from prison in Ventura County, where she is being held on a $500,000 bail (reduced from $2 million).

$30,000 needs to be raised for Sharon before the $500,000 bond can be presented to the court in order for her to be released.

Sharon has been brutalized by Ventura County, which staged a kidnapping of her and James Stewart as part of a personal vengeance "hate campaign" against the two. See my report on that at:


Please help support Sharon Palmer's freedom with a donation. You may contact: [email protected]

All help is greatly appreciated. We hope to speak with Sharon soon, upon her release from prison.

TSA spokeswoman Sari Koshetz now verbally intimidating journalists, warning them not to cover video of body scanner failures

Posted: March 9, 2012

This from InfoWars.com: http://www.prisonplanet.com/tsa-threatens-msm-reporters-over-coverage-of-body-scanner-story.html

"One South Florida reporter told me that he had been "strongly cautioned" by the TSA not to cover this story. Absolutely unbelievable"

Corbett later updated his post to say that another reporter had also been "strongly cautioned" not to cover the story.

The reporters cite a TSA spokeswoman called Sari Koshetz as the person attempting to intimidate them out of covering the issue. They say that Koshetz described Corbett as someone who "clearly has an agenda" that "should not be aided by the mainstream media".

Dr. Wakefield's colleague, John Walker-Smith, co-author of Lancet MMR paper, exonerated of all charges

Posted: March 9, 2012

The truth is starting to come out. The effort by the corrupt, criminal medical industry to destroy the reputation of Dr. Wakefield and John Walker-Smith is starting to be exposed as total fraud.

John Walker-Smith has been found completely innocent and has been exonerated of all charges:


Also, Dr. Wakefield was interviewed today on the Robert Scott Bell Show. Listen to the incredible interview in the RSB show archives at:


Bail amount against James Stewart, Sharon Palmer reduced by 90% and 75%

Posted: March 8, 2012

From an inside source: The judge presiding over the fabricated felony charges against James Stewart (Rawesome Foods) and Sharon Palmer has agrees that the $1 million and $2 million bail amounts set by Ventura county were completely absurd. (They were punitive amounts set under a policy of vengeance against private citizens...)

Bail for James Stewart was reduced 90% to $100K, and reduced 75% on Sharon Palmer to $500K- an amount that is still absurd because it's usually reserved for murderers and rapists.

How many deputies does it take to suppress raw milk freedom?

Posted: March 8, 2012

Photo from the recent ambush arrest of James Steward and Sharon Palmer in California. These Sheriff's Deputies intimidated the women in this photo and demanded they stop showing signs in support of Rawesome Foods.

Video from Raw Milk protest in Wisconsin, March 2, 2012 - Vernon Hershberger

Posted: March 7, 2012

Here's the first video from the raw milk protest rally:

California Ballot Initiative to Require Labeling of Genetically Engineered Food Signature Gathering Efforts Gains Serious Momentum

Posted: March 7, 2012

(SACRAMENTO, CA) March 6, 2012 - The California Right to Know Initiative Campaign is gaining momentum with its signature gathering efforts across the state to place a voter backed initiative on the November 2012 ballot that would mandate labeling of genetically engineered food. The effort is supported by a broad coalition of public health, family, environmental organizations, farmers and individuals.

"Californians have a right to know what's in the food we are eating and feeding to our children," said Pamm Larry who has been instrumental in organizing the volunteer effort. "Right now, we have no way of knowing if food is genetically engineered or not. This initiative will enable us all to make informed choices and give consumers the ability to choose whether or not to buy genetically engineered foods."

Public opinion polls indicate that over 90 percent of Americans support the labeling of genetically engineered foods as a basic right to know what's in their food and how it is produced. Past efforts to enact labeling laws in Congress and the California legislature have been blocked by big food and chemical company lobbyists.

According to the Grocery Manufacturer's Association, an estimated 75 to 80 percent of processed food in the U.S. contains ingredients that have been genetically engineered in laboratories.

The initiative also has broad support of numerous California family farmers. Grant Lundberg of Lundberg Farms, which has been operating in California since 1937, says that it's time for the United States to catch up with the rest of the world on labeling genetically engineered foods.

"Fifty countries, including the entire European Union and Japan already have laws requiring genetically engineered foods be labeled. Even China labels their genetically engineered foods," Lundberg said. "The U.S. should be leading the way, not following, on this important issue, and California should take the lead here in the U.S."

Thousands of energized volunteers have been collecting signatures to qualify the petition for the ballot since mid-February across the state.

The California Right to Know Genetically Engineered Food Act will finally allow parents and consumers to make informed choices about the food they eat and feed their families. For the past fifteen years, Americans have been in the dark about genetically engineered ingredients in their food. With this initiative, California has the chance at the ballot box to restore the basic right to know what is in their food.

The initiative gives producers until July 1, 2014 to begin labeling genetically engineered foods and prohibits such foods as being advertised as "natural."

For more information, please visit www.CARightToKnow.org

TSA naked body scanner exposed by engineer - to appear today on Alex Jones Show at 1:30 central

Posted: March 7, 2012

This is the guy who exposed how to DEFEAT the TSA's naked body scanners using a simple sewing kit. Totally exposes the complete security fraud which is the TSA.

See his blog at:


Story at:


Shocking video at:


Listen in at 1:30 central at:


Genetically Modified Orgasms?

Posted: March 6, 2012

Someone sent me an email today complaining about the destructive qualities of "Genetically Modified Orgasms." I couldn't really pay any attention to their real message because I couldn't stop laughing at the obvious comedic value of their word replacement snafu.

What are genetically modified orgasms, exactly? Is that what happens with the Monsanto CEO sleeps with his personal secretary?

Or is it somehow referring to the fact that the biotech scientists are all screwing with their food? "Hey buddy, how are the corn flakes tonight?"

Either way, any further commenting will probably get me into trouble, so I'm gonna go back to writing articles and avoiding those nasty genetically modified orgasms.

Jeffrey Smith called me today...

Posted: March 5, 2012

He shared that over $30,000 had already been raised in support of the IRT editing their GMO film. Huge success! (We announced the fundraiser earlier in the day, and our readers really responded...)

These funds, Jeffrey told me, will be enough to make not just one film, but TWO films out of the existing footage. A great example of the grassroots community making things happen! Because of your support, two hard-hitting GMO films will be released in the next few months, and this will change the conversation about GMOs.


Interview completed with Dr. Russell Blaylock

Posted: March 5, 2012

In the NaturalNews studios today, I filmed 3 interview segments with Dr. Russell Blaylock. In one of the segments, Dr. Blaylock announced some astonishing breaking news about the vaccine industry.

This will be revealed when we post the first video over the next few days. Astonishing information...
