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TSA Thuggery Supporter Bob Burns Comments On My Post

Posted: November 21, 2012 |   Comments

Bob Burns, the blogging quisling who earns his living (as Blogger Bob) supporting the violation of our right to not be searched without probable cause, left a comment on my post "How Orwellian Are We? TSA Supe Roger Grant Refused To Give Me Name Of TSA Worker Who Groped Me At JFK":

Here we go again... TSA seems to be a frequent and a convenient subject on this blog. The writer's language characterization towards TSA and our employees is offensive to say the least. Name calling, insults, the whole gamut...

In her latest screening incident, she's angry because a supervisor wouldn't give her the name of an officer who had just screened her. An officer who - by the way - by all accounts other than Ms. Alkon's, did her job by the book. It is more likely that she wanted this information so she could post the officer's name on her blog as she's done before with other incidents. In fact, she named and publicly accused one of our officers of rape after a routine pat-down in an earlier allegation.

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