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Acidosis, our body and diet

Posted: May 29, 2012 |   Comments

What is acidosis?

The definition of acidosis from a few medical dictionaries is as follows: Acidosis:
Too much acid in the body, a distinctly abnormal condition resulting
from the accumulation of acid or from the depletion of alkaline

In acidosis, the pH of the blood is abnormally low. Acidosis is associated with diabetic ketoacidosis, lung disease, and severe kidney disease. The opposite of acidosis is alkalosis in which there is too high a pH due to excess base or insufficient acid in the body.
Acidosis is a condition in which there is excessive acid in the body fluids. It is the opposite of alkalosis (a condition in which there is excessive base in the body fluids).

What is pH? (Potential of Hydrogen)

pH is a measure of the degree of the acidity or the alkalinity of any solution as measured on a scale (pH scale) from 0 to 14. The centre of 7.0 on the pH scale represents neutrality, or a "neutral" solution is neither acid nor alkaline.
Numbers below 7.0 indicate acidity; numbers greater than 7.0 indicate alkalinity.
However note that, it is important to understand that pH is a measure
of intensity, and not capacity; i.e., pH indicates the intensity of
alkalinity in the same way temperature tells how hot something is - but
not how much heat the substance carries.
The pH scale is logarithmic which means that moving on (unit either
way on the pH scale results in a 10 fold increase in the degree of
alkalinity or acidity.

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