Prop 37 election fraud?
Posted by Dave
Food Democracy Now!
Dec 6 2012 up for open and transparent elections!
Join us in standing up for open and transparent elections - join us in reporting "statistical anomalies" and 6 million votes for Prop 37!
While reports of election fraud have circulated on the Internet, at Food Democracy Now! we have been closely monitoring the results as they've come in and had not heard any credible reports of possible voting irregularities - until now.
Yesterday, we received some disturbing news from a voter integrity monitor, claiming that possible "statistical anomalies" had been detected in 9 counties in California.
According to Francois Choquette, a statistician closely monitoring incoming election results in California, there were significant "irregularities" in the vote totals for prop 37 to label genetically engineered foods that could not be explained by random coincidence.
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