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Overindulging Can Take A Toll On Your Lifespan, Study Shows

Posted: December 26, 2012 |   Comments

You know smoking, drinking, and eating junk food can shorten your life, but do you know how much?

Now, thanks to a paper from the University of Cambridge published in the British Medical Journal, it's possible to attach a number to those bad habits.

David Spiegelhalter, PhD, a biostatistician and risk communication expert, used the speed of aging and previous epidemiological mortality studies to quantify how certain behaviors benefit and hurt us.

Here are a few of the behaviors that can shave 30 minutes per day off of a person's life:

- Smoking two cigarettes a day
- Drinking two extra alcoholic drinks a day (three a day for women and four a day for men)
- One portion of red meat a day

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