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New Irish technology to reduce water and pesticide usage, increase crop yields and make GMOs obsolete

Posted: August 28, 2013 |   Comments

( New technology invented by Irish scientists could lead to more productive crop yields, lower water and pesticide usage and make GMOs obsolete.

The technology, radio wave energized water, massively increases the output of vegetables and fruits by up to 30 percent. Plants that are watered using this technology are said to grow bigger and have increased resistance to disease.

Professor Austin Darragh and Dr. JJ Leahy of Limerick Chemistry and Environmental Science developed this technology. The pair of scientists invented a device, called Vi-Aqua, which converts 24 volts of electricity into a radio signal, which charges the water via an antenna. Attached to a hose, this device can charge thousands of gallons of water in less than 10 minutes at the cost of mere pennies.

According to, the technology has been successfully tested in many countries in Europe and in India.

Explaining the technology, Darragh said, "Vi-Aqua makes water wetter and introduces atmospheric nitrogen into the water in the form of nitrates - so it is free fertiliser. It also produces the miracle of rejuvenating the soil by invigorating soil-based micro-organisms."

He then went on to say, "We can also make water savings of at least 30 per cent. When the water is treated it becomes a better solvent, which means it can carry more nutrients to the leaves and stem and percolate better down into the soil to nourish the roots, which in turn produces a better root system. Hence the reason you need less water and why you end up with larger and hardier crops."

The Royal Botanical Gardens at Kew, London, were so impressed by the technology that they granted Darragh and his team the right to use their official coat of arms on the device, the first time anyone has received such an honor.

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