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Mortality Rate 50% Higher with More Vaccine Doses

Posted: January 14, 2013 |   Comments

A new study using data from the US government's Vaccine Adverse Events Reporting System (VAERS) shows that the more vaccines given, the more likely children will die or be hospitalized. The increased rates are highly significant, with a 50% greater chance of death with doubling the number of vaccines and more than 100% increase in hospitalizations - that's double the number of hospital visits!

VAERS is recognized to contain only a small percentage of all adverse vaccination events. As GS Goldman and NZ Miller point out,

[A] confidential study conducted by Connaught Laboratories, a vaccine manufacturer, indicated that ''a fifty-fold under-reporting of adverse events'' is likely. According to
David Kessler, former commissioner of the FDA, ''only about one percent of serious events [adverse drug reactions] are reported.

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