Posted: November 5, 2012
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Posted: November 5, 2012
Drug companies are facing mounting pressure to investigate reports that new medicines are being tested on some of the poorest people in India without their knowledge.
"We were surprised," Nitu Sodey recalls about taking her mother-in-law Chandrakala Bai to Maharaja Yeshwantrao Hospital in Indore in May 2009.
"We are low-caste people and normally when we go to the hospital we are given a five-rupee voucher, but the doctor said he would give us a foreign drug costing 125,000 rupees (?1,400)."
The pair had gone to the hospital, located in the biggest city in Madhya Pradesh, an impoverished province in central India, because Mrs Bai was experiencing chest pains.
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Posted: November 2, 2012
NEW YORK - Cell towers knocked out by Superstorm Sandy were slowly coming back to life Wednesday, federal regulators said, but about 1 in 5 were still out of service in a storm-hit area stretching from Virginia to Massachusetts.
That compares with 1 in 4 cell towers that were out of service Tuesday, the day after the storm made landfall.
David Turetsky, head of public safety and homeland security at the Federal Communications Commission, said the situation has improved more rapidly for cable customers. On Tuesday, about 25 percent of them lacked TV and possibly Internet and phone service, too, but that has declined to "well under" 20 percent. He doesn't have a good count of how landline phone service holding up, but anecdotal reports suggested it was available in more areas than cellphone service.
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Posted: November 2, 2012
First they said it was toxic, now all of the sudden its safe! Never heard of flip-flopping on toxins, I thought that was just a political campaign strategy. Now, Health Canada's Food Directorate claims that exposure to BPA in food packaging "is not expected to pose a health risk to the general population, including newborns and young children."
This BPA, or bisphenol A, leaches out of containers into food and drinks and causes breast cancer, prostate cancer, birth defects in newborns, and much more! This is bad news, and is just as bad as FLUORIDATING WATER, which is now a double whammy for humans and animals, we have a drug in the municipal water and drugs in the bottled water. Great!
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Posted: November 2, 2012
Pertussis or whooping cough is a bacterial infection caused by Bordetella pertussis. Pertussis causes severe coughing spells and is most severe when it occurs early in life. After the introduction of pertussis-containing vaccines in the 1940s, the number of cases and deaths due to pertussis declined, however, then it increased again in the 1980s. Coincidence, or did the shots never really work at all?
On top of that, what's all the huge fuss? Is there an epidemic? During the 1980s there were only 77 cases of fatal whooping cough, and on top of that, nine of the 10 non infant cases already had preexisting medical problems!
Oh my God, let's go shoot up all the pregnant women with some chemicals that cause cancer so we can prevent this massive nightmare that 77 people died of in A WHOLE DECADE.
So what's the plan? Kill off lots of innocent people, and protect the rich elites who know better than to get vaccinated, or eat GMO, or Aspartame, or get flu shots, and you get the point.
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Posted: November 2, 2012
Do you swear by Avon or draw all nutrients from a magical health drink called 5 Hour Energy? If so, you should immediately put a stop to it. And, don't get all impressed by the Pink Parade that the dynamic duo of 5 Hour Energy and the Avon Foundation are leading. If you thought that by drinking Pink Lemonade (one of the flavors in which the health is available) you will be a proud part of the campaign of preventing breast cancer or treating it, then you should also be ready to be one of the patients who are going to be affected by the disease sooner than later.
Let's get the facts straight here before delving into the details. Pink Lemonade, a product by Living Essentials, contains phenylalanine and artificial sweetener sucralose (you may know it as Splenda), both of which have ample health robbing attributes to make your body ready to be a breeding ground for cancerous cells.
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Posted: November 1, 2012
SECAUCUS, N.J. (CBSNewYork/AP) - With the traffic nightmare causing frustration for Tri-State area drivers, the lines at the gas pump aren't making the commute any easier.
Filling up the tank has been a nightmare for area drivers since the storm hit. Overnight and into Thursday morning, drivers looking for fuel were met with incredibly long lines at the gas pump.
"So long as we have power outages to the level and degree that we do, we'll see these gas shortages. It's not actually a shortage of fuel, it's the inability of getting it out of the tanks at a local gas station because they lack power," AAA of Greater New York City spokesman Robert Sinclair told WCBS 880.
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Posted: November 1, 2012
PORTLAND, Maine (AP) - A computer specialist had a stroke in his office but wasn't discovered until five days later, then died at a hospital, relatives and authorities said Wednesday.
David Norton, 45, of Portland, was barely alive when police found him Oct. 10 inside his University of Southern Maine office. He died Oct. 15 at Maine Medical Center.
Norton had a stroke the Friday before Columbus Day and was found in his locked office by USM police the following Wednesday after a co-worker reported he'd missed a meeting and couldn't be reached, said Norton's mother, Linda Norton, of Kingfield.
She's asked USM to develop a policy for police to check every university office every day.
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Posted: November 1, 2012
We've learned a Transportation Security Agent has been arrested on a warrant for the rape of a northeast Ohio boy he had been mentoring as a big brother.
The man had been a volunteer with the Big Brothers and Big Sisters of Greater Cleveland.
Cleveland Sex Crimes investigators built a case against him, and he was arrested at the airport in Newark, NJ.
He had gone to work for the TSA in Germany.
We're not naming the man until he gets brought back to Cleveland and charged.
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Posted: October 31, 2012
BOSTON (CBS) - Terri Ivester was on her way to a family christening in Chicago when she ran into a snag at the security checkpoint at Logan Airport.
Terri Ivester says, "The TSA agent holds my backpack up, and um, says there's a water bottle in this backpack, I'm going to have to take that."
That's when Ivester says the agent left the area with her bag.
George Nacara, who is head of the TSA at Logan, tells the I-Team that passengers have the right to stay with their bags.
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Posted: October 31, 2012
At 93, Dr Charles Eugster cuts a dapper figure in his navy suit and matching silk handkerchief and tie.
But he looks just as good in the Lycra gym suit he has on underneath, ready to spring into action like a nonagenarian superhero.
This former dentist took up bodybuilding just six years ago, aged 87, yet looks very at home surrounded by the whirring fitness machines.
His reasons for picking up weights in his 80s are simple. "The idea is to turn the heads of the sexy young 70-year-old girls on the beach," he says.
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Posted: October 30, 2012
The October bankruptcy of solar company Satcon Technology Corp. puts the number of bankrupt or troubled green energy companies as high as 50, according to one estimate.
During the first presidential debate, Republican candidate Mitt Romney said the Obama administration had doled out $90 billion to green energy companies, half of which he said had failed, which sparked a media-wide debate over the accuracy of the claim.
The Romney campaign later clarified that he was talking about the DOE's 1705 loan program which doled out $16.1 billion to green energy companies, according to the Washington Post. Of the 33 companies that received 1705 loan guarantees, only three have declared bankruptcy.
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Posted: October 30, 2012
Sometimes called "Nectar of the Gods," garlic tastes great and is great for you, too. Used to treat everything from high blood pressure to the common cold, garlic does so much more than add flavor to your food.
Here are my top 5 reasons to love garlic:
1. It lowers cholesterol.
Garlic inhibits the same enzyme that statins do, without all the side effects.
It's also an antioxidant and helps reduce atherosclerosis by preventing oxidation of low-density lipoprotein (LDL) or the "bad" form of cholesterol.
2. It protects again cancer.
Garlic is especially good at warding off stomach and colorectal cancers, which affect approximately 164,000 Americans each year and are among the top ten causes of cancer deaths.
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Posted: October 30, 2012
WAKE FOREST, N.C. -- A Wake Forest community is in an uproar after learning the state of North Carolina knew a resident's water had been contaminated with toxic chemicals and failed to alert other residents for more than six years.
"It makes me feel horrible," homeowner Michele Hamilton said of unknowingly giving the toxic water to her kids. "They're the most important things to me."
The EPA called families in the community this past summer, saying their water is contaminated with a cancer-causing chemical called trichloroethylene, or TCE, and to not drink, bathe or cook with the water.
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Posted: October 30, 2012
(Reuters) - British academic researchers have secured 7 million pounds ($11 million) of funding from the country's Medical Research Council (MRC) to investigate a range of potential new drugs made available free-of-charge by AstraZeneca.
The move is the latest example of how the pharmaceutical industry is experimenting with new research models involving greater collaboration with external partners.
The MRC money will pay for work on 15 research projects covering Alzheimer's, cancer and other diseases. Eight will involve clinical trials of potential new drugs and seven will focus on earlier work in laboratory and animal models.
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Posted: October 29, 2012
NEW YORK (TheBlaze/AP) - Hurricane Sandy bore down on the Eastern Seaboard's largest cities Monday, forcing the shutdown of mass transit, schools and financial markets, sending coastal residents fleeing, and threatening a dangerous mix of high winds, soaking rain and a surging wall of water up to 11 feet tall.
Sandy strengthened before dawn and stayed on a predicted path toward Washington, Baltimore, Philadelphia and New York - putting it on a collision course with two other weather systems that would create a superstorm with the potential for havoc over 800 miles from the East Coast to the Great Lakes. About 2 to 3 feet of snow were even forecast for mountainous parts of West Virginia. The tempest could endanger up to 50 million people for days.
Due to the widespread nature of the storm and the potential calamity it will bring to the East Coast, Google has developed a "Crisis Map" that provides real-time information about where the storm is moving.
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Posted: October 29, 2012

View the attached photo for an infographic from the WildAlchemist blog.
For years, people have been using Nutrasweet and equal, (aka Aspartame) in replace of table sugar, and trading in their regular coke for diet all in the name of losing or maintaining a desirable weight. HOWEVER, what most people don't know is that Aspartame actually suppresses the hormone that notifies our body when it's full. So while the Aspartame itself doesn't directly cause weight gain, it can cause us to eat more.
But increased appetite is the least of our worries when it comes to Aspartame. As discussed in "Skinny Bitch" by Rory Freedman and Kim Barnouin, Aspartame, the most dangerous of all artificial sweeteners, was initially rejected by the FDA. However after some shady bribery, manipulation, etc., the FDA finally gave in and approved it. BUT with their approval came a list of 92 side effects, 11 of which are named below:
• Memory loss
• Nerve cell damage
• Alzheimer's Disease
• Migraines
• Reproductive disorders
• Brain lesions
• Weight gain
• Food cravings
• Depression
• Schizophrenia
• Seizures
Additionally, many studies show a link between Aspartame consumption and cancer. (Aspartame may as well be a black box drug.)
Posted: October 26, 2012
(Reuters Health) - Getting a moderate amount of plant substances called flavonoids through the diet may be linked to a lower stomach cancer risk in women, but not men, according to a new study.
European researchers found that women with the highest intake of flavonoids were half as likely to develop the disease as were women who had the smallest intake.
"A flavonoid-rich diet is based on plant-based foods (such as) fruits, vegetables, whole grain cereals, nuts, legumes, and their derived products (tea, chocolate, wine)," the study's lead author Raul Zamora-Ros told Reuters Health by email.
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Posted: October 26, 2012
NEWARK - GlaxoSmithKline and Teva Pharmaceuticals conspired to restrict competition and raise prices for lamotrigine (Lamictal), a $2 billion-a-year blockbuster drug, a union claims in a federal antitrust class action.
Original source here:
Posted: October 26, 2012
On CNN's Piers Morgan Tonight, Ted Turner said he thinks it's "good" that American soldiers are committing suicide in large numbers because it shows an aversion to war.
Go here to watch the video: