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The Australian Vaccination Network Must Go: Sayeth the Government

Posted: December 20, 2012 |   Comments

Freedom of speech is being squashed in Australia. If what you have to say runs counter to what mainstream medicine and its lackey, the government, want promulgated, then dissenting views are being suppressed.

The Australian Vaccination Network (AVN), an organization that promotes actually thinking about the issue of vaccines, was recently ordered by the Australian government to change its name. They claim that it's "misleading".

New South Wales, Australia has been systematically stealing the people's right to choose how they're treated medically, or to choose not to be treated. They have claimed that sources "within the community" have complained that the name of the organization is misleading. When pressed for specifics, they trotted out the Australian Medical Association (AMA), which is little more than a front group for the medical industry, quite literally a organization whose purpose is to lobby for the economic benefit of the Australian medical industrial complex.

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