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Textbook company CEO apologizes for pro-GMO propaganda, vows to replace article

Posted: September 19, 2013 |   Comments

( The CEO of a textbook publishing company has issued an official apology for a biased pro-GMO article that was printed in a writing exercise book for schoolchildren. After one attentive activist shared the offending page online, dismayed parents, educators and activists contacted the company to voice their concern and disappointment that children would be exposed to such propaganda in the education system.

William Evans, the CEO of Evan-Moor, the publishing company in question, issued an apology on the company's Facebook page. In his apology, Evans states that the inclusion of the article was an error in their authoring and editing process. He says that the article was meant to present both sides of the argument but agrees that it's biased as it appears in the textbook. Furthermore, he says that the article will be replaced in subsequent reprintings and the new article will be available online free of charge.

Finally, he states his support for GMO labeling and that he and his wife have contributed to organizations dedicated to that cause, including Organic Consumers Association, Food Democracy Now and Yes on 522 in Washington State. He also claims that he and his wife do not allow GMO foods in their home and would never do anything to promote them in their publications.

Some remain skeptical of aspects of his apology, saying that the "error" would have been too large to miss and that keeping a GMO-free home would be difficult to do, as most GMOs are unlabeled. However, his apology is a victory for food freedom activists as well as anyone who would prefer that at least both sides of the issue are represented. It is also an example of what can be accomplished by quick, concentrated efforts through social media.

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