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Fukushima Solutions World Conference to be hosted in Austin, TX, March 22-23

Posted: March 18, 2014 |   Comments

(IMG: The Fukushima Solutions World Conference being hosted by the Young Americans for Liberty from the University of Texas at Austin (UT), where it will take place on March 22-23 in Room 21 of the Peter T. Flawn Academic Center.

The first day of the event will feature foremost experts in nuclear issues discussing remediation solutions for the continuing Fukushima disaster. The focus on the second day will be health issues and providing solutions for personal health.

The keynote speaker, Lieutenant Steve Simmons, a former crew member of the USS Ronald Reagan, which was doused with radiation when it responded to help after the March 2011 tsunami that crippled the Fukushima nuclear power plant, is scheduled to address attendants at 9:30 am on March 22.

Mike Adams, the founder of Natural News and the Executive Director of the Consumer Wellness Center, will speak about issues regarding Fukushima and radiation at 2:00 pm. A host of other speakers are also scheduled to attend the event, including Dr. John Ashley, II, MD(E), ND, DC, author of Fukushima Meltdown & Modern Radiation, and Dr. Dale Klein, PhD, PE, of UT and the Nuclear Regulatory Commission, as well as international experts.

The programs for the conference are subject to change, but "[b]oth days will have a minimum of 4 on site speakers and 6 skyped in speakers from around the world, this will enable us to present to the onsite audience and viewing audience on the webcast the finest speakers and solutions possible,", the event's website, states. Time has been allocated for Q&A periods between speakers.

The conference is being produced and co-produced by George Butler and David Barrow, respectively. The goal of the meeting is to bring people together to come up with an unprecedented world solution to help the people of Japan counter the unprecedented Fukushima disaster. If you would like to make a donation to help this cause, you can do so here. Also, be sure to visit to learn more about the Fukushima Solutions World Conference.

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