If you haven't heard, today is "Kick Butt Day," a day organized by the Campaign for Tobacco-Free Kids and sponsored by the United Health Foundation to empower youth to stand out, speak up and seize control against Big Tobacco.
On this day, according to the event's website, "teachers, youth leaders and health advocates organize events to:"
"Raise awareness of the problem of tobacco use in their state or community;
"Encourage youth to reject the tobacco industry's deceptive marketing and stay tobacco-free; and
"Urge elected officials to take action to protect kids from tobacco."
This year's Kick Butts Day comes after a new report from the Surgeon General found that smoking is even more dangerous than previously thought. As reported by Tobacco Free Kids, key findings from that report include:
Each year, smoking kills 480,000 people in the U.S. and costs the nation at least $289 billion in health care bills and other economic losses.
Without urgent action to reduce smoking, 5.6 million U.S. children alive today will die prematurely from smoking-caused disease.
Tobacco marketing causes kids to start and continue using tobacco products.More than 1,400 events have been planned across America to support the fight against tobacco, including a rally at Louisiana's state capitol in Baton Rouge, an anti-tobacco march in Boston, Massachusetts, and an '80s-themed "Tobacco Has No Place Showcase" featuring dancing and music. You can search for activities to participate at
KickButtsDay.org or look at a full list and map
here. Additional information can be found at