Posted: November 27, 2012
(Reuters) - The U.S. Food and Drug Administration suspended operations on Monday at a New Mexicofood producer linked to salmonella-tainted peanut butter that has sickened at least 41 people this year, the agency said in a statement.
The FDA said it had suspended Sunland Inc's food facility registration "in the interest of public health," following the national outbreak and a history of food safety violations reaching back over three years.
"The fact that peanut butter made by the company has been linked to an outbreak ... that has sickened 41 people in 20 states, coupled with Sunland's history of violations led FDA ... to suspend the company's registration," the FDA statement said, referring to an outbreak that began in June.
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Posted: November 27, 2012
Which organizations and regulatory agencies are fraudulant and why?
How can you protect yourself and find the truth?
The Natural News Tracker expounds on topics covered on Natural News by the Health Ranger and his cast of reporters/journalists.
Water fluoridation hoax to give citizens cancer:
Vaccines lead to autism:
Natural News reveals conspiracy theories that come true!
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Posted: November 21, 2012
A core principle of what we call Health Medicine is a patient's right to freedom of choice and their right to know. Whom are we kidding when, because of monopolistic medical practices, patients are not informed of all the treatments known from evidence to benefit their condition - especially alternative-medicine and natural healing treatments? What's the point of extending insurance to all Americans if they're blocked from making choices outside today's allopathic "sick-care" paradigm?
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The entire population of this planet has survived over millennia through the use of traditional and indigenous medical remedies - and 80 percent of the world's people still do. These practitioners learned from generations of practical experience about how to treat whole persons. They developed natural treatments in the context of cosmological worldviews worked out over centuries by the leading minds of their races or nations.
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Posted: November 21, 2012
Bob Burns, the blogging quisling who earns his living (as Blogger Bob) supporting the violation of our right to not be searched without probable cause, left a comment on my post "How Orwellian Are We? TSA Supe Roger Grant Refused To Give Me Name Of TSA Worker Who Groped Me At JFK":
Here we go again... TSA seems to be a frequent and a convenient subject on this blog. The writer's language characterization towards TSA and our employees is offensive to say the least. Name calling, insults, the whole gamut...
In her latest screening incident, she's angry because a supervisor wouldn't give her the name of an officer who had just screened her. An officer who - by the way - by all accounts other than Ms. Alkon's, did her job by the book. It is more likely that she wanted this information so she could post the officer's name on her blog as she's done before with other incidents. In fact, she named and publicly accused one of our officers of rape after a routine pat-down in an earlier allegation.
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Posted: November 21, 2012
The petroglyphs, etched by ancient hunters 3,500 years ago, had survived winds, floods and earthquakes, only to disappear from the rock face in a matter of hours, according to the Los Angeles Times.
A fifth carving suffered deep saw cuts, and a sixth was removed but broken and abandoned near a parking lot in the Eastern Sierra desert. Dozens of others were scarred by hammer blows.
"This was the worst act of vandalism ever seen," US Bureau of Land Management archeologist Greg Haverstock, whose field office manages the 750,000 acres of public land in Bishop, eastern California, was quoted as saying. "The individuals who did this were not surgeons, they were smashing and grabbing."
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Posted: November 21, 2012
During her 25-year talk show run,Oprah Winfrey had 283 "favorite things": products she handed out in her annual audience scream-a-thon each holiday season. Her carefully chosen gifts ranged from favorite books and CDs to BlackBerrys (de rigeur at the time) to, famously, shiny new cars for all 275 hyperventilating audience members.
Some of the nascent products she promoted became instant bestsellers, like shapewear brand Spanx, in its first year of production when Winfrey held a pair of footless pantyhose aloft in front of millions of viewers. Spanx founder (and now, like Winfrey, a billionaire) Sara Blakely's website crashed with the immediate influx of buyers.
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Posted: November 20, 2012
In a recent vote, citizens in Washington and Colorado have voted in favor of decriminalizing marijuana. There are many people who use marijuana on a very small scale for recreation and do not pose any harm to society.
Mike Adams reports that though the usage of marijuana is not a healthy practice, this vote exhibits a victory for freedom in a country which is relentless in its effort to suppress freedom in all its senses.
The result of the vote is supposed to enable people to take small amounts of marijuana for recreational purposes without the fear of being convicted. But the federal government is not particularly happy with the matter. According to Natural News, the federal government will bypass the state laws and apply federal laws to arrest those who consume or even possess marijuana. The Drug Enforcement Agency or DEA will stop at nothing to exhibit its power and will crackdown on marijuana users in these two states on a large scale and intensity. Under current circumstances, a conflict between the state and the federal government seems inevitable.
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Posted: November 20, 2012
Unfortunately, that appears to be the case - unless we do something about it. Action Alert!
Who controls healthcare? We wish we could say it was consumers, but they have less and less of a voice. Actually, healthcare today is controlled by three entities: government, for-profit businesses, and nonprofits - and before long, the first two may muscle out the third.
Should those of us following a natural health approach worry about this? Yes, definitely - for two reasons. First, conventional medicine has wandered far from the old ideal of being a caring profession, but that perspective is more likely to be rediscovered in a nonprofit setting than in one controlled by government or by for-profits. Second, having different kinds of healthcare providers increases our options and reduces the chance of having one-size-fits-all medicine forced on us.
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Posted: November 20, 2012
ATLANTIC CITY - A man claims he got pancreatic cancer from Merck's diabetes drug Janumet, in Atlantic County Court.
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Posted: November 20, 2012
While most of the nation focused on the presidential election, another smaller - and perhaps the most dirty - fight was being waged in California. A proposed law that could have led to massive shifts in America's food system failed on Tuesday, when a ballot measure that would have required genetically modified foods, or GMOs, to be labeled failed to gain enough support in California to pass.
The measure, known as Proposition 37, would have been the first state law to require the labeling of GMOs, ingredients derived from corn, soy, and canola plants that have been genetically altered to resist high doses of potentially toxic pesticides (Confused about GMOs? We break it down for you in Foods As Nature Made Them.). Because of the size of California, the impact of the labeling law would undoubtedly have been felt nationally.
Despite widespread support for the measure earlier in the year, when over 60% of Californians said they were in favor of labeling, the measure ultimately failed by a vote of 53% to 47%.
So what happened?
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Posted: November 20, 2012
Join us in signing the petition to Deval Laurdine Patrick, Governor of Massachusetts: Stop Forced Drinking Water Fluoridation in Massachusetts!
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Posted: November 19, 2012
Cancer experts have warned of a 'frightening' crisis as pharmaceutical companies abandon production of one of the most widely used chemotherapy drugs because it is not profitable enough.
Fluorouracil - also known as 5-FU - is one of the most frequently used components in chemo combinations used to treat bowel and breast cancer in the UK and worldwide.
But cancer specialists in Germany have warned that the drug has become increasingly difficult to obtain as producers turn to newer, more profitable treatments.
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Posted: November 19, 2012
A global treaty to crack down on the deadly trade of fake medicines is urgently needed, say experts.
Currently, there are more sanctions around the use of illegal tobacco than counterfeit drugs.
Writing in the British Medical Journal, experts urge the World Health Organization to set up a framework akin to its one tobacco control to safeguard the public.
WHO says more than one in every 10 drug products in poorer nations are fake.
A third of malaria drugs are counterfeit, research suggests.
In richer countries, medicine safety is better, but substandard and falsified drugs still cause thousands of adverse reactions and some deaths.
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Posted: November 19, 2012
Nearly all of Europe is currently going through a tense economic situation and in some countries, it has taken the shape of a chronic crisis. Two of the hardest hit countries in the region are Greece and Spain. The Greek government is trying hard to figure a way out of the crisis. It needs to implement certain austerity measures against the will of the people to safeguard the interests of creditors. The condition is worsening particularly for the healthcare system where hospital staffs have to work without pay. The whole healthcare system is on the verge of collapse due to lack of proper funding.
Spain, on the other hand, is in no better position, reports Natural News. The country has been going through an economic predicament for quite some time now. To date, the government has failed to take any effective steps to alleviate the situation. The ongoing crisis is fueling people's discontent so much that many in Catalonia are advocating for independence. It is needless to say that if Catalonia detaches itself from Spain, it will be a huge blow to the nation not only because that particular region has a rich cultural history but also because it is home to 16 percent of Spain's total population and generates one-sixth of the country's economic output.
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Posted: November 19, 2012
A small union's stubbornness in contract talks with Hostess is being blamed for the shutdown of one of America's snack food icons, the loss of 18,500 jobs just before the holiday season and much-needed tax revenue from hundreds of plants and shops across the country.
The privately-held company had reached a deal with the Teamsters, but a smaller union representing bakery workers refused to agree to concessions, prompting the mass layoffs and closing down of hundreds of plants, bakeries and delivery routes. That prompted harsh words from both the company and from Teamsters officials.
"We deeply regret the necessity of today's decision, but we do not have the financial resources to weather an extended nationwide strike," Chief Executive Gregory Rayburn said in a statement. "Hostess Brands will move promptly to lay off most of its 18,500-member workforce and focus on selling its assets to the highest bidders."
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Posted: November 17, 2012
Ya' know, when you are found guilty of a crime in a court of law, it's usually not your first offense of that kind, it's just the first time you got caught!
French court rules against Monsanto in a groundbreaking, chemical poisoning case:
Monsanto Guilty! And this time it's not a public verdict, it's a legal verdict! Is this possible? Well, you can see for yourself.
And the winner is an ordinary French farmer who suffered the consequences of inhaling "Lasso"Pesticide. A small win but it isn't bad for a start because getting a pharma giant like Monsanto to answer for their wrongs can be a pretty herculean task for the naive farmers.
Looking into the details of the case, the farmer who moved
against Monsanto for LIFELONG neurological damage caused after inhaling the
pesticide Lasso was able to prove the adverse effects it had on him after
continuously being exposed to the pesticide for a certain period of time. He inhaled the active ingredient alachlor present in the pesticide way back in 2004 and started experiencing side effects which slowly manifested themselves in the form of persistent memory loss, headaches and stuttering.
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Posted: November 17, 2012
Organic chia seeds have been unavailable for the last few years in United States. But the wait is over. Natural News has managed to get a hold of a container full of packed organic chia seeds from Argentina and they are ready for sale. Anyone who is interested in buying these seeds can visit the online store of Natural News and place an order according to his or her requirement. Organic chia seeds are easy to prepare, good to eat and of course, healthy. People all over the world are getting more and more aware of the usefulness ofchia seeds and hence, these seeds are gaining immense popularity fast.
The seeds that Natural News is offering have been packed by Nutiva only a few weeks ago and are going to last for at least two years. But if chia seeds are stored properly in a dry and cool place, they can be expected to last for more than five years. Last year, these seeds were not available in the market as floods and drought reduced their production to a large extent. The seeds come in packets of 12 oz. and the methods of preparations are prescribed on the reverse side of the packets.
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Posted: November 17, 2012
Every adult considers a child to be naive, innocent and an entity who is completely dependent on adults for survival. But the truth is that children nowadays are a lot smarter than before. They are intelligent and can understand the intricacies of the world sometimes better than most adults. According to a report of Natural News, the latest addition to what children can do is the movement against GMO seeds that plague the agriculture sector all over the world. It may sound amazing but it is the truth that children have taken the initiative to make people aware of the malice of GMO seeds and other harmful chemicals that are used in foods.
GMOs are like viruses that can destroy both human health and the environment. So there is always a need of initiatives that can foil the attempts of propagating the use of GMO seeds which are the main origin of profits for most food and agricultural companies. Children have added a new dimension to this war against GMOs, but they need to be educated more. Teachers have a huge influence on the life of a child so they can take the help of Natural News to educate children on the ill effects of GMOs.
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Posted: November 15, 2012
A large number of people showed their interest in saying "yes" to Proposition 37 that was supposed to let people know about what is in their food. Though the proposition failed at the ballot box in California through the combined effort of several multinational firms whose only aim in life is to keep people sick, the campaign was able to achieve a high level of awareness among the public regarding the genetically modified ingredients in food. Natural News reports that the people of Californiahave lost the battle, but they are preparing for a larger war.
There was an all round effort from companies like Monsanto, PepsiCo, Coca Cola, General Mills, Bayer, DuPont and Kellogg's to spoil the campaign for Proposition 37. Millions of dollars had been invested in a counter campaign which advocated defeating the proposition, Natural News reports. It is clear that these companies never wanted people to know about what they were eating as it would only put a halt to their booming business as most of their products harbored and still harbor harmful chemicals. These companies also took to fraudulence to safeguard their interests and complaints in this regard have already been filed with the FBI.
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Posted: November 15, 2012
Are you ready to tackle the water crisis that awaits you in the year 2013? What exactly have you planned? And, do you think they are enough to ensure a safe water supply for you and your family? Nothing you do (without scientific knowledge) will ever be enough, unless you have come across the brilliant theory proposed by Mike Adams, the Health Ranger for Natural News and learned how to Surthrive!
Understand and be saved:
Take the help of expert views and opinions given by him and go through the incredible research that has been done, revealing facts that have never been explored in this matter. Did you know that fatty acids are equally essential for the body and deficiency of such nutrients in the body can lead to improper body growth and development? And did you know that chia seeds are food products that can help you in accumulating enough fatty acids for your body?
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